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Writer's pictureJames Ryburn

Contemplation & Transformation

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”

2 Cor 3:18

Here’s a question for you: when we gather to worship God in song, are we there for Him, or is He there for us?

I think the answer is ‘Yes'…

Worshipping God in song blesses His heart, and it does our soul good. Not that God needs our worship, we do…He’s not some insecure cosmic being, who waits for His worshippers to remind Him how awesome He is and how desperately they need Him before He decides to intervene.

God never changes…but when we worship, we change.

Worship takes our eyes off the busyness of life and turns our attention and focus to the author of life. “With unveiled faces", we stand before God, in the place where we contemplate the Lord’s glory” with our attention fully on him, God transforms us "into His image”

The Greek word there for ’transformed’ is metamorphoumetha which has a definition of "changing form in keeping with inner reality”…I love that description.

You could probably guess what this Greek word is the root word of - metamorphosis - the process by which a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly…and I love that picture too.

As we turn our unabated faces and attention towards Jesus, God transforms us to be more like him.

In a world that vies for our attention every moment we’re awake, let’s gather on Sunday night to worship and centre our attention on Christ…it’s what we need, if we long for change.

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