Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Psalm 8:2
We’re currently away for a few days, enjoying school holidays. We were excited to see a family arrive shortly after us and move into the apartment next to us. Whilst we kept to ourselves on Tuesday while it rained outside, the sun came out on Wednesday and the kids quickly found each other. They ran on the beach, collected shells, marvelled at dolphins, I took them out on the stand up paddle board...and then walking back to our apartment, our 9 year old neighbour asked, “Do you guys know and love Jesus?"
“Yes we do” Heather replied.
“Great, we do too!”
Out of the mouths of babes…
I love hearing the stories, testimonies, and encouragements coming out of our kids programs…I love seeing the friendships being forged, the truths being deposited, and the ways that these young people are developing a living relationship with the living God.
It feels like the fastest growing demographic among out little church family is our kids…and that means there’s more space in the kids team for you! We’re even looking to start a new group for some of our youngest members called ’Sparkles’, and we’d love you to play a part.
You could join as a leader, or a helper…help to prepare crafts, or holiday programs…help out once every month or two, or dream up an idea for a Christmas play!
Whatever your level of capacity and inspiration, we’d love to have you as part of what God is doing!
I still remember things I learnt about God and my relationship with him from kids church…and I can’t help but wonder whether being a part of a healthy and thriving kids church is part of what led this young lady to ask some new holiday friends if they knew and loved Jesus. I want that kind of boldness in my life, and I want it for all of our children as well.
Big love and grace,